“Episode 1” is the first episode of the first series of Humans, a show based on Real Humans and co-produced by Channel 4 and AMC. It originally aired in the UK on 14 June 2015 and in the U.S. on 28 June 2015. In this episode, Joe buys a “synth” (synthetic human) for his family, to his wife’s horror. Meanwhile, George cannot bear to abandon his outdated synth Odi. The episode was watched live by 5.47 million people in the UK and 1.73 million people in the U.S. It received mostly positive reviews.
Episode#1 Vocabulary
Synthetic (합성의) /sɪnˈθɛtɪk/: Made by chemical synthesis, especially to imitate a natural product. / “The jacket is made of synthetic materials.”
Running over (넘쳐흐르는) /ˈrʌnɪŋ ˈəʊvə/: Going longer or later than expected / “The meeting was supposed to finish at 2pm but it is running over .”
Bonfire (모닥불) /ˈbɒnfaɪə/: A large outdoor fire used for burning waste or as part of a celebration. / “We roasted marshmallows over the bonfire.”
Lift (noun) (엘리베이터) /lɪft/: To give a ride to someone / “My car is being repaired so I need a lift to the store.”
There she blows (거기다가 나타났다) /ðeə® ʃi bləʊz/: A phrase used to indicate that something has been sighted, especially a whale.
/ “Captain Ahab shouted ‘There she blows!’ when he saw the whale.”
Crack on (계속하다) /kræk ɒn/: To continue doing something with determination. / “We need to crack on if we want to finish this project on time.”
Posh (고급스러운) /pɒʃ/: Elegant or stylishly luxurious. / “The hotel was very posh and expensive.”
Bumf (쓸모없는 문서) /bʌmf/: Useless or tedious printed material, especially official documents. / “I’m tired of reading all this bumf.”
Waltz (와츠댄스) /wɔːlts/: A ballroom dance in triple time performed by couples dancing around the room holding each other.
/ “They danced a beautiful waltz together.”
Reckon (생각하다) /ˈrɛkən/: Believe or think. / “I reckon it’s going to rain today.”
1. Would you want to have a ‘synth’ in your home? Why or Why not?
How would different members of your family react?
2. How would you design your synth – gender, size, race, etc? What would you like them to do? would you have any special rules for them?
3. How would you feel about having a synth coworker?
4. Do you think it is possible for an AI creation could gain sentience? have emotions? be self-aware?
5. What are some potential benefits of AI?
6. What are some risks or potential dangers of AI?
7. Are you more optimistic or pessimistic about artificial intelligence technology? Why?
8. Which jobs do you think will be eliminated because of AI and automation?
9. Which jobs will continue to exist or be created?
10. Do you think AI beings could destroy humanity?
11. Do you think AI can produce art or music?
12. Do you think AI ‘synths’ should have any ethical rights?
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