End of the Year Discussions: Best of 2022 & Predictions for 2023

Below are resources and discussion questions that can be included in end-of-the-semester activities.

Best of 2022 Lists



Assorted Quizzes & Horoscopes

End of the year Superlatives

Students can take a few minutes to write down what they consider to be the ‘best of 2022’ in the categories below.  They then discuss these in small groups.


    • best song:
    • best musician:
    • best TV show/Movie
    • best Youtuber:
    • best game:
    • best actor:
    • best athlete:
    • best app:
    • best tech device:
    • best new word or phrase:
    • most important Korean news story:
    • most important international news story


    • best day:
    • worst day: 
    • best meal:
    • most important lesson learned:
    • most significant accomplishment:
    • favorite new piece of clothing:
    • biggest regret/disappointment:
    • angriest moment:
    • biggest waste of time
    • biggest surprise
    • best  purchase
    • most grateful for:

Discussion Questions: 2022 Reflections, New Year Plans, & 2023 Goals & Predictions

    1. Is there anything left on your 2022 To Do list?
    2. What are your plans for New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day?
    3. What were your most memorable New Year’s celebrations?
    4. What three words would you use to describe 2022? (for you and for the world)
    5. In what ways did you change socially, emotionally, spiritually, and/or physically in 2022?
    6. What are your New Year’s resolutions or significant goals for 2023?
    7. What are you most looking forward to doing in 2023?
    8. What 2023 predictions do you have for your personal life? for your classmates?
    9. What predictions do you have for BUFS, Busan, Korea, and the world?


Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

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