Friendship: Study Materials and Discussion Questions



  • spectrum
  • platform 
  • crave
  • smack-dab
  • detrimental

Discussion Questions

  1. Do you enjoy the process of making new friends? Do you make new friends easily?
  2. Who are your best friends? Why are you so close? In what ways are you similar/different?
  3. Who is your (oldest, newest, craziest, funniest, etc.) friend?
  4. What do you think are the most important ingredients of a lasting friendship?
  5. How long does it take to become a ‘good’ friend?
  6. How would you categorize your different groups of friends?
  7. What are the most enjoyable or meaningful things you do with your close friends?
  8. What’s the difference between old friends and new friends?
  9. Do you argue with your friends sometimes? What about?
  10. How do you think social media has affected friendships?
  11. Have you ever been betrayed by a friend?  Have you ever betrayed a friend?
  12. What do you remember most about your elementary school friendships? high school? 
  13. What do you think is different about friendships among men, among women, and between the two?
  14. How does having a significant other (boyfriend, girlfriend, spouse) affect your friendships?
  15. Do you think there are cultural differences in friendship?   
  16. How is friendship between two Koreans different from a friendship between a Korean and a non-Korean or two non-Koreans?
  17. Have you experienced any challenges or confusion with cross-cultural friendships?

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