Money Discussion Questions

currency imageMoney Discussion Questions

  1. How would you describe your relationship with money?
  2. How do you manage your personal budget?
  3. What three things do you spend the most money on?
  4. What advice have you gotten about managing, saving, spending, and/or investing money?
  5. How do you feel about borrowing or lending money? How often do you do either?
  6. How do you feel about gambling?  Have you ever won or lost a lot of money?  
  7. How (and by whom) is money managed in your family?
  8. Do your parents discuss financial details with you?  Will you with your children?
  9. How did you spend your first salary? (if you’ve had one) How will you when you get a ‘real job’?
  10. How important are financial considerations in choosing a partner/deciding to get married?
  11. If you get married, how would you like to manage money with your partner?
  12. Do you think men and women have different attitudes toward money?
  13. How is your attitude toward money different than your friends, parents, or grandparents?
  14. Do you know anyone who is obsessed with money?  How so?
  15. How much money would you need to have in the bank to stop ‘worrying’ about money?
  16. In what ways are you a ‘tightwad’ (thrifty, stingy, cheap person)?
  17. In what ways are you a ‘spendthrift’ (generous, extravagant person, big spender)?
  18. Do you (will you) support your parents financially?
  19. Will you expect your children to support you financially?
  20. How much money has been spent on your education?  Has it been worth it?
  21. Do you think how rich you are will determine how happy you are in life?
  22. Do you have any personal savings
  23. Have you ever invested in stocks, cryptocurrency, or anything else?
  24. Do you prefer a cautious saving plan or a risker (and possibly more lucrative) investment plan?


  • bargain (바겐): an item bought for less than the usual price; a good deal. Example sentence: “I got a great bargain on this jacket.”
  • borrow (빌리다): to take and use something that belongs to someone else, with the intention of giving it back. Example sentence: “Can I borrow your pen?”
  • broke (파산한): having no money. Example sentence: “I’m broke this month.”
  • budget (예산): a plan for spending money over a period of time. Example sentence: “I need to make a budget for my trip.”
  • can’t afford it (그것을 감당할 수 없다): not having enough money to buy something. Example sentence: “I’d love to buy that dress, but I can’t afford it.”
  • cost an arm and a leg (비싸다): to be very expensive. Example sentence: “This car cost me an arm and a leg.”
  • deposit (예치금): an amount of money that you pay as the first part of a larger payment. Example sentence: “I paid a deposit on my new apartment.”
  • discount (할인): a reduction in the usual price of something. Example sentence: “I got a 10% discount on this shirt.”
  • extravagant (낭비하는): spending too much money or using too much of something. Example sentence: “She had an extravagant wedding.”
  • gamble (도박하다): to risk money or other possessions on the outcome of something uncertain. Example sentence: “He likes to gamble at the casino.”
  • go dutch (각자 계산하다): to share the cost of something equally between two or more people. Example sentence: “Let’s go dutch on dinner tonight.”
  • just scrape by (가까스로 살아가다): to manage to live with very little money. Example sentence: “I’m just scraping by on my part-time job.”
  • lend (빌려주다): to give something to someone for a short period of time, expecting it to be returned. Example sentence: “Can you lend me your car for the weekend?”
  • loaded (부자인): having a lot of money. Example sentence: “He’s loaded and can afford anything he wants.”
  • loan (대출): an amount of money that is borrowed and expected to be paid back with interest. Example sentence: “I took out a loan to buy my car.”
  • lucrative (수익성이 좋은): producing a lot of money; profitable. Example sentence: “He has a lucrative job in finance.”
  • make ends meet (살림을 꾸리다): to have enough money to pay for basic expenses. Example sentence: “It’s hard to make ends meet on a minimum wage job.”
  • money’s tight (돈이 부족하다): not having enough money. Example sentence: “Money’s tight this month, so I can’t go out.”
  • spendthrift (낭비하는 사람): someone who spends too much money or wastes money on things they don’t need. Example sentence: “He’s such a spendthrift and never saves his money.”
  • stingy (인색한): not wanting to spend money; unwilling to give or share things. Example sentence: “He’s so stingy he won’t even buy his own coffee.”
  • thrifty (검소한): using money and other resources carefully and not wastefully. Example sentence: “She’s very thrifty and always looks for a good deal.”
  • tightwad (인색한 사람): someone who is unwilling to spend money; someone who is stingy. Example sentence: “He’s such a tightwad he won’t even buy his own coffee.”
  • withdraw (인출하다): to take money out of a bank account. Example sentence: “I need to withdraw some cash from the ATM.”

Assignment:   You must spend ‎$5,000 in the next 48 hours. In your class discussion space, post links to the things you’d like to buy along with short descriptions of why. 

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