Korean Cultural Tenets and Behaviors (with examples)

Korean Cultural Tenet and Behaviors (with examples)



  1. : A deep emotional bond and affection that develops over time between people. It’s a form of unspoken understanding and empathy that goes beyond mere friendship or love.
  2. 눈치: The ability to read the mood or atmosphere of a situation and react appropriately. It’s often described as “eye measure” and is crucial for effective communication and maintaining harmony.
  3. : The concept of informal, often unspoken, social rules and obligations. It encompasses the ideas of propriety, respect, and etiquette, especially in hierarchical relationships.
  4. 인연 : The concept of fate or serendipitous relationships, indicating a destined connection between people. It’s often used to describe relationships that have a significant impact on one’s life.
  5. 체면 : Refers to face-saving or maintaining one’s dignity and reputation in social situations. It’s a crucial aspect of interpersonal interactions, emphasizing respect and social standing.
  6. : A unique Korean sentiment that expresses a deep sorrow or regret, often stemming from historical or personal grievances. It’s a collective feeling of sadness and unresolved resentment.
  7. 소통 : The act of communicating or connecting with others, emphasizing emotional exchange and understanding rather than just verbal communication.
  8. 우리 : Literally means “our” or “we”, reflecting the collective mindset and community-oriented aspect of Korean culture. It signifies a shared identity or belonging.
  9.  The Confucian value of filial piety, emphasizing respect, obedience, and care for one’s parents and elders. It is a fundamental aspect of family dynamics and social ethics.
  10. 상견례: The formal meeting between the families of a couple planning to marry. It’s a significant cultural event, blending modern practices with traditional values, emphasizing family ties and mutual respect.


  1. 엎드려 마시기 : Turning one’s head to the side while drinking in the presence of an elder, as a sign of respect.
  2.  The traditional bow, especially during formal greetings or on special occasions like New Year, as a sign of respect and gratitude.
  3. 높임말 사용 : Using honorific language when speaking to elders or in formal situations, reflecting the importance of respecting hierarchy.
  4. 손목 잡기 : Holding one’s wrist with the other hand while pouring a drink, signifying control and respect.
  5. 밥상머리 교육: Teaching children manners and values at the dining table, emphasizing the importance of family and respect for elders.
  6. 두 손으로 건네기: Giving and receiving items with both hands as a sign of respect and politeness.
  7. 안부 묻기  Asking about one’s health or wellbeing as a standard greeting, showing care and concern in social interactions.
  8. 숟가락과 젓가락 사용법 : Specific ways of using spoons and chopsticks, such as not sticking chopsticks upright in a bowl of rice, as it resembles a funeral rite.
  9. 신발 벗기 : Removing shoes when entering someone’s home, a sign of cleanliness and respect for the household.
  10. 눈치 보기 : The practice of reading the room or understanding others’ feelings and reactions without verbal communication, crucial in social harmony.
  11. 선물 포장 : Meticulously wrapping gifts, often in specific colors depending on the occasion, showing thoughtfulness and effort.
  12. 좌석 배려 : Offering seats to elders or pregnant women in public transport as a sign of respect and courtesy.
  13. 명절 준비 : Extensive preparations for traditional holidays like Chuseok and Seollal, involving cooking special foods and cleaning, highlighting the importance of family and cultural traditions.
  14. 상견례 : The formal meeting between the families of a couple planning to marry, emphasizing respect, formality, and the importance of family in personal relationships.
  15. 고사 지내기: Performing a ritual offering to ancestors or spirits for blessings and good fortune during important life events or business openings, reflecting the blend of Confucian and Shamanistic traditions in Korean culture.


Korean culture is often characterized as a high-context culture, where communication relies heavily on implicit understanding and shared knowledge. Here are specific examples illustrating this:

  1. Non-Verbal Communication: Koreans often rely on body language, facial expressions, and tone of voice to convey meaning, which might not be explicitly stated. For example, a slight nod or a particular facial expression can indicate agreement or disapproval without words.
  2. Indirect Refusal or Disagreement: Directly saying “no” or openly disagreeing is considered impolite in many situations. Instead, Koreans might use phrases like “I’ll think about it” or “Maybe next time,” which, in context, are understood to mean a polite refusal.
  3. Use of Silence: Silence is a significant part of communication in Korean culture. It is often used to convey thoughtfulness, respect, or disagreement, without directly stating these feelings.
  4. Importance of In-group Relationships: Understanding and interpreting messages correctly often depends on being part of the in-group, where shared experiences and histories provide a common understanding. This is evident in family dynamics, workplace hierarchies, and social circles.
  5. Respect for Hierarchy: Communication often depends on the social status or age of the people involved. For example, the way younger people communicate with elders is often more indirect and respectful, relying on the elder’s ability to ‘read’ the underlying message.
  6. Ambiguity in Language: Korean language and expressions can be intentionally ambiguous, leaving room for interpretation based on context. This can be seen in the use of proverbs or idiomatic expressions that convey meanings understood within the cultural context.
  7. Understanding Based on Shared Cultural Knowledge: A lot of communication in Korean society is based on shared cultural norms and historical references, which might not be explicitly explained but are understood by those within the culture.

 Here are fictional anecdotal examples for each of the high-context characteristics of Korean culture:

1. Non-Verbal Communication

  • Example A: Mr. Kim attends a meeting and, instead of openly expressing his disagreement with a proposal, he simply offers a prolonged, contemplative gaze. His colleagues understand this as a subtle sign of his disapproval.
  • Example B: During a family dinner, Min-jung slightly bows her head and avoids direct eye contact when her elder asks about her career plans. Her family interprets this as a sign of her humility and uncertainty.

2. Indirect Refusal or Disagreement

  • Example A: When Ji-hoon is invited to join a weekend outing he’s not interested in, he responds with, “I might have other plans,” a polite way to decline without saying ‘no’ directly.
  • Example B: Seo-yeon, when asked if she liked the new dish her friend made, responds with, “It’s very unique,” avoiding direct criticism but subtly indicating that she didn’t quite enjoy it.

3. Use of Silence

  • Example A: In a team meeting, Young-soo remains silent when a controversial topic is brought up. His colleagues understand this as his subtle way of expressing disapproval.
  • Example B: During a heated family discussion, Grandma remains quiet instead of taking sides. Her silence is understood by the family as a call for everyone to calm down and reflect.

4. Importance of In-group Relationships

  • Example A: In the office, Mr. Lee makes a subtle joke referencing a popular Korean TV show from the 90s. Only the colleagues who grew up in Korea laugh, understanding the cultural reference.
  • Example B: Hye-jin mentions a specific local festival in her hometown during a conversation. Her friends, who are also from the same town, instantly connect with the shared memories and inside jokes related to the festival.

5. Respect for Hierarchy

  • Example A: When Jun-seok, a younger employee, has a suggestion for his older manager, he phrases it as a question rather than a statement, showing respect for the manager’s seniority.
  • Example B: Eun-ji, a university student, speaks to her professor using honorifics and indirect language, even when she has a differing opinion, to maintain respect for her elder’s status.

6. Ambiguity in Language (Using Proverbs)

  • Example A (Proverb): Soo-min, hesitant about a risky business venture, says to her colleague, “가는 날이 장날이다” (Ganeun nari jangnari-da, meaning “Even the day you go turns out to be a market day”). This implies that sometimes unexpected opportunities can arise from what seems like a bad timing, subtly encouraging cautious optimism.
  • Example B (Proverb): Min-ho, advising his friend who is rushing a project, quotes, “서당개 삼 년이면 풍월을 읊는다” (Seodang-gae sam nyeon-imyeon pungwol-eul eulpneunda, meaning “Even a dog at a study hall can recite a poem if it stays there for three years”). This suggests the importance of patience and persistence, encouraging his friend to take time to achieve quality results.

7. Understanding Based on Shared Cultural Knowledge (Historical Events)

  • Example A (Historical Event): During a debate about resilience in times of adversity, Kyung-hee refers to “한강의 기적” (Hangang-ui gijeok, the Miracle on the Han River), which describes South Korea’s rapid economic development after the Korean War. This reference is instantly understood as a symbol of national resilience and hard work leading to success.
  • Example B (Historical Event): In a discussion about the importance of peaceful resistance, Ji-ae mentions the “4.19 혁명” (Sawol Hyeokmyeong, the April 19th Revolution of 1960), a democratic uprising in South Korea. This reference is understood to represent the power of peaceful protest and the public’s role in shaping democracy.


Examples of High Context communication styles that might cause misunderstanding with non-Koreans in the workplace or in the classroom.


  1. High-Context Communication (고맥락 문화): Korean communication often relies on non-verbal cues and implied meanings, which can be perplexing for those used to more explicit, direct communication. Non-Koreans might miss important nuances or misinterpret subtleties in conversations.
  2. Respect for Hierarchy (계급 존중): The Korean emphasis on age and status hierarchy can be confusing. In the workplace or classroom, deference to seniority and authority is expected, which might seem overly formal or rigid to those from more egalitarian cultures.
  3. Group Harmony (집단 조화): In Korean culture, maintaining group harmony often takes precedence over individual opinions. This might lead to non-Koreans perceiving a lack of open dialogue or feeling that their individual contributions are not valued as expected.
  4. Nunchi (눈치): The art of reading the room and understanding others’ feelings without verbal communication. Non-Koreans unfamiliar with this concept might find it difficult to grasp the unspoken dynamics in a group or misinterpret silence and indirect communication.
  5. Indirect Refusal or Disagreement (간접적인 거절 또는 불일치): Directly saying ‘no’ or openly disagreeing is often avoided. Non-Koreans might interpret indirect refusals as uncertainty or indirect disagreement as agreement.
  6. Cheomyeon (체면, Face-saving): Protecting one’s reputation and dignity, as well as others’, is important. Non-Koreans might misinterpret this as evasiveness or lack of transparency.
  7. Decision Making Process (결정 과정): Decisions are often made through a top-down approach, reflecting hierarchical structures. Non-Koreans might find this process less participatory than expected.
  8. Gift-giving and Reciprocation (선물 주기 및 상호 작용): Gift-giving is an important part of Korean culture, often used to show respect or gratitude. Misunderstandings may arise regarding the appropriateness of gifts or the expectation of reciprocation.
  9. Workplace Drinking Culture (직장 음주 문화): Social drinking after work is common and often seen as a team-building activity. This can be challenging for non-Koreans who are not used to social drinking or feel pressured to participate.
  10. Personal Questions (개인적인 질문): In Korean culture, asking personal questions relatively early in a relationship is common and seen as a way to show interest and build rapport. Non-Koreans might find this intrusive or uncomfortable.

Anecdotal Examples of the above


  1. High-Context Communication: Emily, an American employee, misses the subtle cues of her Korean boss’s dissatisfaction during a meeting because he doesn’t openly criticize her project. She later realizes the project wasn’t approved when her colleague explains the boss’s indirect feedback.
  2. Respect for Hierarchy: Thomas, a British professor in Korea, is surprised when his Korean students refrain from asking questions or challenging his points during lectures, mistaking their respect for hierarchy as disinterest or lack of understanding.
  3. Group Harmony: Carlos, from Brazil, feels frustrated in his Korean office team because his suggestions for changes are often met with silence. He later learns that his colleagues prefer to discuss issues privately to maintain group harmony.
  4. Nunchi: Sarah, a Canadian teacher, struggles to understand why her Korean students seem hesitant to participate. She doesn’t realize they are practicing ‘Nunchi’, waiting to gauge her reaction before speaking up.
  5. Indirect Refusal or Disagreement: Mark, an Australian manager, proposes a new initiative and misinterprets his Korean team’s non-committal responses as tacit approval, only to find out later that they were not in favor of it.
  6. Cheomyeon: Anna, a French intern, is perplexed when her Korean colleague avoids directly acknowledging a mistake in a report. She learns that admitting the error outright would have been seen as losing ‘Cheomyeon’, or face.
  7. Decision Making Process: John, an American student, is surprised when his ideas in a group project are not discussed in detail, as the Korean students wait for their professor to make the final decision, adhering to a hierarchical decision-making process.
  8. Gift-giving and Reciprocation: Lucy, from the UK, is puzzled when her small gift to a Korean colleague leads to receiving an elaborate gift in return. She didn’t realize the cultural emphasis on reciprocation in gift-giving.
  9. Workplace Drinking Culture: Alex, a Muslim employee from Saudi Arabia, feels uncomfortable with the regular after-work drinking invitations. He is initially unaware of how integral this is to social bonding in the Korean workplace.
  10. Personal Questions: Jessica, an American student in Korea, feels awkward when her Korean classmates ask her personal questions about her age, marital status, and income during their first meeting, not realizing it’s a way of showing interest and building rapport in Korean culture.

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