Stress & Anxiety: Materials and Discussion Questions



Discussion Questions

  1. Which of these is most stressful for you….
    (public speaking, taking a test, going on a first date, long flights, giving presentations,
    work gatherings, speaking  with native English speakers, ….?)
  2. What causes you stress? (e.g.  money, family, lovelife, health, future, etc.)
  3. Which social situations cause you the most stress?
  4. What professional situations cause you stress?
  5. How has Covid-19 affected your stress and anxiety levels?
  6. How have you coped with ‘pandemic life’?
  7. What were the most stressful ages or periods of your life?
  8. When have you felt like you “can’t take it anymore”?
  9. What were the least stressful, most care-free ages periods of your life?
  10. How does stress affect you physically & emotionally?
  11. What health consequences have you experienced because of stress?   Other people you know?
  12. How do you usually cope with stress?  Which responses are effective?  Which ones are ineffective?
  13. How do different members of your family deal with stress?
  14. How do different generations of your family deal with stress? (you, parents, grandparents, children)
  15. When do you feel the most relaxed or unstressed?
  16. Who’s the most/least stressed person you know?
  17. What is unique or different about stress in Korea? Causes?  Responses?
  18. If you’ve traveled to different countries, have you noticed anything different about how the people there deal with stress?
  19. How will your future decisions (about career, partnership, kids, place of residence, etc.) affect your stress levels?

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