Debate Topic: Should a person always ask for consent before a first kiss?

Kissing: Image by StockSnap from PixabayRead the pro and con arguments below, check for vocabulary words, and decide which argument you agree with.  Then use the articles and discussion questions below to have a conversation about this topic.

Debate Motion: A person should always ask for consent before a first kiss


Asking for consent before a first kiss should be mandatory. It is the only way to ensure that the other person is comfortable with the act and is willing to engage in it. Kissing someone without their consent is a violation of their personal space and can be seen as an act of aggression.

Asking for consent also shows respect for the other person’s autonomy and boundaries. It allows them to have control over their own body and the decisions made about it. If someone is not comfortable with a kiss, they should not feel pressured to engage in it.

In addition, asking for consent can improve communication between two people. It shows that both parties are interested in each other’s feelings and that they are willing to listen to and respect each other. This can lead to a stronger, healthier relationship in the long term.

Therefore, asking for consent before a first kiss should not only be encouraged but should also be considered a basic principle of respect and communication in any kind of relationship.



Asking for consent before a first kiss is unnecessary and can even be awkward. A first kiss is often spontaneous and asking for consent beforehand can ruin the moment.

Furthermore, body language and other non-verbal cues can communicate consent just as effectively as verbal communication. If someone is leaning in, making eye contact, and responding positively to physical touch, it can be assumed that they are willing to engage in a kiss.

Additionally, asking for consent can be seen as unromantic and unappealing. It can create an awkward and clinical atmosphere that is not conducive to intimacy or passion.

Overall, asking for consent before a first kiss should be a matter of personal preference. While it is important to respect other people’s boundaries, it is also important to enjoy intimate moments without feeling like they are being orchestrated or scripted.


Vocabulary words:

  • Mandatory (의무적인) – required by law or rules
    Example sentence: Wearing a mask is mandatory in many public places during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Violation (위반) – the act of breaking or disobeying a law, rule, or agreement
    Example sentence: The company was fined for violation of environmental regulations.
  • Autonomy (자치권) – the right or condition of self-government or self-determination
    Example sentence: The country fought for autonomy from colonial rule.
  • Boundaries (경계) – limits or edges that define the extent of something
    Example sentence: Setting boundaries in a relationship can help avoid conflicts and misunderstandings.
  • Pressured (압박을 받는) – forced or urged to do something
    Example sentence: She felt pressured to conform to the expectations of her parents.
  • Conducive (촉진하는) – making a certain situation or outcome likely or possible
    Example sentence: A quiet environment is conducive to studying.
  • Personal preference (개인적인 취향) – a choice or decision based on one’s own likes or dislikes
    Example sentence: Everyone has their own personal preferences when it comes to food.
  • Spontaneous (자발적인) – happening naturally or without planning
    Example sentence: They had a spontaneous picnic in the park.
  • Verbal communication (언어적 소통) – the use of words to convey information or ideas
    Example sentence: Verbal communication is the most common form of communication between people.
  • Non-verbal cues (언어적이지 않은 행동) – gestures, facial expressions, and other physical behaviors that convey information or meaning
    Example sentence: She gave him a smile and a nod as a non-verbal cue of approval.
  • Orchestrated (계획적으로 준비된) – carefully planned or organized
    Example sentence: The surprise party was orchestrated with the help of all of the birthday girl’s friends.
  • Personal space (개인 공간) – the physical distance or area around a person that is considered their private domain
    Example sentence: She felt uncomfortable when the stranger invaded her personal space on the crowded subway.
  • Aggression (공격적인 행동) – hostile or violent behavior or actions
    Example sentence: The soccer player was given a red card for his aggression towards the referee.
  • Intimacy (친밀함) – a close and personal relationship or connection
    Example sentence: The couple enjoyed the intimacy of cuddling on the couch while watching a movie.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you think it is important to ask for consent before a first kiss? Why or why not?
  2. How can body language and non-verbal cues communicate consent or lack thereof?
  3. Have you ever experienced a situation where someone didn’t respect your boundaries? How did you handle it?
  4. Do you think asking for consent can make a romantic moment awkward? Why or why not?
  5. What other ways can communication be improved in a relationship besides asking for consent?
  6. Can misunderstandings be prevented if people communicate more effectively? How?
  7. How can you tell if someone is feeling pressured to do something?
  8. What are some cultural differences in attitudes towards physical touch and consent?
  9. Do you think people should be taught about consent in school? Why or why not?
  10. In what ways can asking for consent lead to a stronger, healthier relationship?


Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

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