Song Discussion: Anti-Hero by Taylor Swift




Discussion Questions

  1. How do you feel about this song? The music, the meaning, and/or the video?
  2. How does this song make you feel?  What do you think it is about?
  3. Taylor Swift has had tremendous success in her life but is still full of self-doubt, anxiety, and insecurity.  Why do you think that is?
  4. In what ways have you experienced self-doubt, anxiety, and insecurity?  How did you deal with those situations?
  5. Do you ever have insomnia? What causes it? What do you do when ‘midnights become your afternoons”?
  6. As a public figure, the media and people talk a lot about Taylor Swift, sometimes in a critical or judgemental way.  Do you ever feel like people are criticizing or judging you?  How do you deal with it?
  7. Are you narcissistic in any way?  How so? In what ways are you altruistic?
  8. How do you feel when you look in the mirror?  Do you ever talk to the person in the mirror? (judging, encouraging, observing, etc.)
  9. Why do you think this song is called ‘Anti-hero’?
  10. Do you think Taylor is more of a hero or anti-hero?
  11. Who are your heroes and anti-heroes?  
  12. What do you think about this song?
  13. What do you think of Taylor Swift? As a person? a singer-songwriter? A business person? 
  14. Have you ever ghosted someone?  Been ghosted?
  15. Would you want to work a ‘graveyard shift’?
  16. What are your vices?
  17. Where do you want your money to go after you die?



  • Anti-hero i(: 반전 영웅)  a main character in a story who lacks traditional heroic qualities such as courage, morality, or idealism.
    Walter White from the TV show Breaking Bad is an example of an anti-hero, as he is a high school chemistry teacher turned drug lord who is not a traditionally moral or heroic character.
  • Have this thing (이게 있다): To have something that is difficult to describe or explain.
     I don’t know what it is about her, but she just has this thing that makes her stand out.
  • Graveyard shift (야간 근무): A work shift that takes place during the night.
    I’m so tired from working the graveyard shift last night.
  • To ghost someone (연락을 끊다): To suddenly stop communicating with someone without any explanation.
    I thought we had a great date, but then he ghosted me and I never heard from him again.
  • Left to my own devices (혼자서): To be left alone to do something without any help or guidance.
    I’m not sure what to do next – I guess I’ll just be left to my own devices.
  • Vices (악습): Habits or behaviors that are considered immoral or harmful.
    Smoking and drinking are two of his biggest vices.
  • Scheming (음모를 꾸미는): Planning or plotting something in a secretive or underhanded way.
    She’s always scheming and trying to get ahead at work.
  • Rooting for (응원하다): To support or cheer for someone.
    I’m rooting for my favorite team to win the championship this year.
  • Lurching (비틀거리는): Moving in an unsteady or jerky way.
    The boat was lurching back and forth in the rough waves.
  • Pierced (꿰뚫은): Having a hole made through something with a sharp object.
    She has several piercings in her ears and nose.
  • Covert (비밀의): Secret or hidden; not openly acknowledged or displayed.
    The spy was working on a covert mission behind enemy lines.
  • Narcissism (자기 애착): Excessive self-love or admiration; an inflated sense of self-importance.
    His narcissism made it difficult for him to form meaningful relationships with others.
  • Disguise (위장): A costume or other means of concealing one’s true identity.
    He wore a disguise so that no one would recognize him at the party.
  • Altruism (이타적인 행동): Selfless concern for the well-being of others; unselfishness.
    Her altruism led her to volunteer at the homeless shelter every week.
  • A will (유언장): A legal document that outlines a person’s wishes regarding the distribution of their property after they die.
    He wrote a will so that his family would know how to divide his estate after he passed away.
  • Correlation (상관 관계): A mutual relationship between two or more things; a connection between variables.
    There is a strong correlation between smoking and lung cancer.
  • Downside (단점): The negative aspects of something; disadvantages.
    The downside of living in the city is that it can be very noisy and crowded.
  • Sentiments (감정): Feelings or emotions; opinions or attitudes toward something.
    Her sentiments about the movie were mixed – she liked some parts but not others.
  • To be spiraling (망상하다): To be rapidly losing control of one’s life or situation; to be heading toward disaster.
    After losing his job and getting divorced, he felt like his life was spiraling out of control.
  • Self-loathing (자신 혐오감): Intense dislike or hatred of oneself; feelings of worthlessness or inadequacy.
    Her self-loathing made it difficult for her to form healthy relationships with others.
  • Flaws (결함): Imperfections or weaknesses; defects in character or design.
    Everyone has flaws – it’s what makes us human.
  • Shortcomings (부족한 점): Failings or deficiencies; areas where one falls short of expectations.
    Despite his many talents, he still had some shortcomings that he needed to work on.
  • Assets (자산): Resources or qualities that are considered valuable; things that are owned by a person or organization.
    The company’s assets include several buildings and a fleet of vehicles.
  • Reputation (평 판): The beliefs or opinions that people have about someone or something; the way in which someone or something is regarded by others.
    His reputation as a hard worker and a good leader was well-known throughout the company.

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