Zoom Guide and Policies for Students

While in ‘online mode’, we will be using Zoom for most class hours.  Some important things to know:

  • Please make sure you have updated your Zoom program or app to the current version.
  • You won’t need to keep your video and audio on 100% of the time during Zoom class, but you will need to use video and audio at some point during each class. Please be prepared to use both. If you are having a technical or personal issue that makes it difficult to do so, please let Jeff know as soon as possible.
  • Using Zoom on a computer provides students with a more full-featured experience.  When possible, try to use a computer with webcam.  If you are unable to do so, that’s OK.  It will not affect your grade, but it will make some class activities more challenging.
  • A student can join with a computer and mobile device at the same time if that makes things technically easier.
  • Please do your best to participate from a place without a lot of background noise.  Some family background noises can’t be prevented and are no problem, but please avoid joining in from places like a noisy coffee shop or subway station.

For those who have not used Zoom before or still have questions about how to do certain things on Zoom, please check out
Jeff’s Basic Guide to using Zoom for Students

For new students, here are some of Jeff’s Thoughts about Using Zoom (from last semester)

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