Teleprompter Challenge#2: Australian Report on Dementia


Teleprompter challenges are an excellent way to practice pronunciation, reading fluency, and public speaking skills.

Your task is to record the text below while reading a teleprompter. Try to sound as clear and natural as possible. You can use the video below to practice and record or you can use any teleprompter site or app you like. If you upload the video recording to YouTube or Flipgrid, you’ll be able to use automatic closed captioning to check the accuracy of your pronunciation.  Good Luck!

Site/Apps that might be of use:

203 Words

Within 40 years, more than 800,000 Australians — twice as many as now — will be living with dementia, unless a cure is found, according to a new government-sponsored report.
Dementia is the second leading cause of death in Australia.
A new study by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, a government agency, has forecast that 1.1 million Australians will live with dementia by 2058, unless major new treatments are discovered.
Dementia is a broad term for a number of conditions that impair the functions of the brain.
In 2019, $2.1 billion was spent in Australia on residential and community-based services, and hospital care for dementia patients, two-thirds of whom are women.
The release of the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare study has coincided with a new awareness campaign by Dementia Australia, a non-profit organization.
Its chief executive, Maree McCabe, says exercise and a sensible diet can offer protection against several types of dementia.
The World Health Organization has said there are currently more than 55 million people living with dementia globally.
Dementia support groups warn that worldwide, both patients and caregivers face discrimination because of a lack of understanding about the disease that currently has no cure.

Text extracted from


* To calculate words per minute, divide the number of words by the time it takes to read the passage (first word to last word).
For example, if it took you 2 minutes and 8 seconds…
2 minutes and 8 seconds = 128 seconds.
128 / 60 = 2.13 minutes.
219 / 2.13 = 103 words/minute.

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